
Heaval is the highest hill on the island of Barra, Scotland. It is 383 meters tall and is located 1.5 km northeast of Castlebay. Barra is in the Outer Hebrides. It is most easily ascended from the south east, from the top of a 102 m road pass about 1 km north east of Castlebay. There is signposted car park nearby. About halfway up the ridge, there is a white statue of the Virgin and Child. Near the top, the ridge becomes steep, but any difficulties can be bypassed on the south side.


Heaval is the highest hill on the island of Barra, Scotland. It is 383 meters tall and is located 1.5 km northeast of Castlebay. Barra is in the Outer Hebrides. It is most easily ascended from the south east, from the top of a 102 m road pass about 1 km north east of Castlebay. There is signposted car park nearby. About halfway up the ridge, there is a white statue of the Virgin and Child. Near the top, the ridge becomes steep, but any difficulties can be bypassed on the south side.