Helichrysum melitense

Helichrysum melitense, the Maltese everlasting, is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family and is endemic to Malta,specifically on the island of Gozo. It can be found in Dwejra, and in cliffs in Gozo near Fungus Rock.Its natural habitats are Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation on Coastal garigue and vertical sheer cliffs. Recently, it was recorded in new locations on the island of Gozo. This species is on the decline in the wild, and it is threatened by habitat loss. Fortunately, it is very easy to cultivate, and it is gaining ornamental popularity amongst the locals.

Helichrysum melitense

Helichrysum melitense, the Maltese everlasting, is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family and is endemic to Malta,specifically on the island of Gozo. It can be found in Dwejra, and in cliffs in Gozo near Fungus Rock.Its natural habitats are Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation on Coastal garigue and vertical sheer cliffs. Recently, it was recorded in new locations on the island of Gozo. This species is on the decline in the wild, and it is threatened by habitat loss. Fortunately, it is very easy to cultivate, and it is gaining ornamental popularity amongst the locals.