Hired armed cutter Duke of York

The Hired armed cutter Duke of York served the Royal Navy from 23 June 1803 to 24 September 1810. In July 1803 she sent into Portsmouth the American vessel Eagle, from New York bound for Amsterdam, and Galatea, which had been sailing from Bordeaux to Bremen. In August she sent in Young Jane, from Roxborough for France. The next month Duke of York sent Syren, Desrege, master, into Falmouth. Syren had been sailing from Barcelona to Guernsey.

Hired armed cutter Duke of York

The Hired armed cutter Duke of York served the Royal Navy from 23 June 1803 to 24 September 1810. In July 1803 she sent into Portsmouth the American vessel Eagle, from New York bound for Amsterdam, and Galatea, which had been sailing from Bordeaux to Bremen. In August she sent in Young Jane, from Roxborough for France. The next month Duke of York sent Syren, Desrege, master, into Falmouth. Syren had been sailing from Barcelona to Guernsey.