Hollwinkel Wood

Hollwinkel Wood (German: Hollwinkeler Holz) is a woodland area that lies mainly on the territory of the borough of Preußisch Oldendorf in the North German county of Minden-Lübbecke. Within the wood the terrain is almost entirely level, lying between 50 and 52 metres above sea level (NN). A negligible piece of woodland in the south of only about 0.58 hectares belongs to the town of Lübbecke. With a wooded area of 47 hectares it is the largest stretch of woodland between the Wiehen Hills and the Mittelland Canal within the county of Minden-Lübbecke and also the largest wood in the borough of Preußisch Oldendorf north of the Wiehen, and Egge. In addition there is no woodland anywhere near this size within a radius of 4.5 km (i.e. 63 km² of the surrounding area). The wood measures around 1.3 k

Hollwinkel Wood

Hollwinkel Wood (German: Hollwinkeler Holz) is a woodland area that lies mainly on the territory of the borough of Preußisch Oldendorf in the North German county of Minden-Lübbecke. Within the wood the terrain is almost entirely level, lying between 50 and 52 metres above sea level (NN). A negligible piece of woodland in the south of only about 0.58 hectares belongs to the town of Lübbecke. With a wooded area of 47 hectares it is the largest stretch of woodland between the Wiehen Hills and the Mittelland Canal within the county of Minden-Lübbecke and also the largest wood in the borough of Preußisch Oldendorf north of the Wiehen, and Egge. In addition there is no woodland anywhere near this size within a radius of 4.5 km (i.e. 63 km² of the surrounding area). The wood measures around 1.3 k