Hollywood Cricket Club

The Hollywood Cricket Club (HCC) is an amateur cricket club in Los Angeles, California. It is a member of the Southern California Cricket Association. The club was formed in 1932 by British actor and cricketer C. Aubrey Smith. Evelyn Waugh satirized the HCC in his 1946 book The Loved One, with its protagonist, "Sir Auberon Abercrombie", a thinly-disguised portrait of Sir Aubrey Smith.

Hollywood Cricket Club

The Hollywood Cricket Club (HCC) is an amateur cricket club in Los Angeles, California. It is a member of the Southern California Cricket Association. The club was formed in 1932 by British actor and cricketer C. Aubrey Smith. Evelyn Waugh satirized the HCC in his 1946 book The Loved One, with its protagonist, "Sir Auberon Abercrombie", a thinly-disguised portrait of Sir Aubrey Smith.