Home security

Home security is something applicable to all of us and involves the security hardware in place on a property, and personal security practices. The hardware would be the doors, locks, alarm systems, lighting, motion detectors, and security cameras systems that is installed on your property. Personal security practices would be ensuring doors are locked, alarms activated, windows closed, extra keys not hidden outside and many other routine tasks which act to prevent a burglary. According to an FBI report 58.3 percent of burglaries involved forcible entry. A typical burglary lasts for about 8 to 12 minutes and on average a burglar will break into a home within 60 seconds. Home security can be strengthened by adding a first line of defence like a thorny shrub or bush to give the burglar a hard

Home security

Home security is something applicable to all of us and involves the security hardware in place on a property, and personal security practices. The hardware would be the doors, locks, alarm systems, lighting, motion detectors, and security cameras systems that is installed on your property. Personal security practices would be ensuring doors are locked, alarms activated, windows closed, extra keys not hidden outside and many other routine tasks which act to prevent a burglary. According to an FBI report 58.3 percent of burglaries involved forcible entry. A typical burglary lasts for about 8 to 12 minutes and on average a burglar will break into a home within 60 seconds. Home security can be strengthened by adding a first line of defence like a thorny shrub or bush to give the burglar a hard