Hotel Jørgensen explosion

The explosion in Hotel Jørgensen was a minor explosion inside of the discount hostel of the same name in central Copenhagen, Denmark. The explosion happened at 1:23 pm on 10 September 2010. No fatalities were recorded. The only injured person was the one-legged Chechnyan-Belgian bomber Lors Doukaiev, who was caught in a nearby park, Ørstedsparken, following the explosion, but only identified several days later. Lors Doukaiev was also seen in a video game shop, buying a game whose case he could have intended to use as a container for the bomb.

Hotel Jørgensen explosion

The explosion in Hotel Jørgensen was a minor explosion inside of the discount hostel of the same name in central Copenhagen, Denmark. The explosion happened at 1:23 pm on 10 September 2010. No fatalities were recorded. The only injured person was the one-legged Chechnyan-Belgian bomber Lors Doukaiev, who was caught in a nearby park, Ørstedsparken, following the explosion, but only identified several days later. Lors Doukaiev was also seen in a video game shop, buying a game whose case he could have intended to use as a container for the bomb.