
The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "hundredweight". Under both conventions, there are 20 hundredweight in a ton, producing a "short ton" of 2000 lb and a "long ton" of 2240 lb.


The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "hundredweight". Under both conventions, there are 20 hundredweight in a ton, producing a "short ton" of 2000 lb and a "long ton" of 2240 lb.