
HypaSpace is a weekly entertainment news program about the world of science fiction and fantasy, created by and shown on Space, a Canadian cable television station. It had daily and weekly segments. The television show covers movies, television, books, comics and community events. The show has HypaSpace daily shows and HypaSpace weekly shows which sums up the week of news. The series was casual and irreverent. HypaSpace was produced by Simon Evans and Michelle Dudas. Segments of HypaSpace aired interstitially between Space programs.


HypaSpace is a weekly entertainment news program about the world of science fiction and fantasy, created by and shown on Space, a Canadian cable television station. It had daily and weekly segments. The television show covers movies, television, books, comics and community events. The show has HypaSpace daily shows and HypaSpace weekly shows which sums up the week of news. The series was casual and irreverent. HypaSpace was produced by Simon Evans and Michelle Dudas. Segments of HypaSpace aired interstitially between Space programs.