I'm Spinning

"I'm Spinning" is a Doo Wop song recorded by the Del-Vikings on the Fee Bee Records label in 1957 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as an A side for the single "I'm Spinning"/"You Say You Love Me," written by Pat DiCesare. It was soon released on Dot Records for national distribution, and later released by Mercury Records when Kripp Johnson rejoined the Del-Vikings in 1958. Over the years the song has been included on many Del Vikings greatest hits albums and Doo Wop compilation albums on various labels. The most recent release was in 2009.

I'm Spinning

"I'm Spinning" is a Doo Wop song recorded by the Del-Vikings on the Fee Bee Records label in 1957 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as an A side for the single "I'm Spinning"/"You Say You Love Me," written by Pat DiCesare. It was soon released on Dot Records for national distribution, and later released by Mercury Records when Kripp Johnson rejoined the Del-Vikings in 1958. Over the years the song has been included on many Del Vikings greatest hits albums and Doo Wop compilation albums on various labels. The most recent release was in 2009.