I Hope Like Heck

I Hope Like Heck: The Selected Poems of Sarah Palin is a 2011 anthology of 50 found poems in emails by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, edited by Michael Solomon. The 24,000 emails were released to the public on June 10, 2011; I Hope Like Heck was released 11 days later. Jacob Weisberg, editor of Palinisms: The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin, said of Solomon's book, "Not since Donald Rumsfeld's Pieces of Intelligence has an American politician arrived on the literary scene with such a stunningly unintentional poetic debut."

I Hope Like Heck

I Hope Like Heck: The Selected Poems of Sarah Palin is a 2011 anthology of 50 found poems in emails by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, edited by Michael Solomon. The 24,000 emails were released to the public on June 10, 2011; I Hope Like Heck was released 11 days later. Jacob Weisberg, editor of Palinisms: The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin, said of Solomon's book, "Not since Donald Rumsfeld's Pieces of Intelligence has an American politician arrived on the literary scene with such a stunningly unintentional poetic debut."