Iran–Israel proxy conflict

The Israel–Iran proxy conflict or Israeli-Iranian proxy war is the ongoing indirect conflict between Israel and Iran. The conflict is bound in the political struggle between Iranian leadership and Israel, with the counter aim of Israel to prevent alleged nuclear weapons from the Iranian government and downgrading its allies and proxies such as Hezbollah party in Lebanon. Iranian forces are operating in Syria in support of Bashar al-Assad's government. Israel has provided medical treatment for Syrian civilians and rebels, including some members of al-Nusra Front, which has caused strife amongst the Israeli Druze community.

Iran–Israel proxy conflict

The Israel–Iran proxy conflict or Israeli-Iranian proxy war is the ongoing indirect conflict between Israel and Iran. The conflict is bound in the political struggle between Iranian leadership and Israel, with the counter aim of Israel to prevent alleged nuclear weapons from the Iranian government and downgrading its allies and proxies such as Hezbollah party in Lebanon. Iranian forces are operating in Syria in support of Bashar al-Assad's government. Israel has provided medical treatment for Syrian civilians and rebels, including some members of al-Nusra Front, which has caused strife amongst the Israeli Druze community.