Iris japonica

Iris japonica (also known as 'fringed iris', 'shaga' or 'butterfly flower') is a native of China and Japan. It is a species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus of Limniris and in the Lophiris section. It is a rhizomatous perennial plant, with pale blue, lavender or white flowers with an orange or yellow crest. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions.

Iris japonica

Iris japonica (also known as 'fringed iris', 'shaga' or 'butterfly flower') is a native of China and Japan. It is a species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus of Limniris and in the Lophiris section. It is a rhizomatous perennial plant, with pale blue, lavender or white flowers with an orange or yellow crest. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions.