Jamaican red macaw

The Jamaican red macaw (Ara gossei) may have been a species of parrot in the family Psittacidae that lived on Jamaica, but its existence is hypothetical. The only reported specimen was shot on Jamaica around 1765, and was later seen by a Dr. Robertson when it was stuffed. It is now lost. Roberton sent a description of it to Philip Henry Gosse, who published his own description in 1847:

Jamaican red macaw

The Jamaican red macaw (Ara gossei) may have been a species of parrot in the family Psittacidae that lived on Jamaica, but its existence is hypothetical. The only reported specimen was shot on Jamaica around 1765, and was later seen by a Dr. Robertson when it was stuffed. It is now lost. Roberton sent a description of it to Philip Henry Gosse, who published his own description in 1847: