Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union

The Japanese Consumers’ Cooperative Union (日本生活協同組合連合会 Nihon Seikatsu Kyōdō Kumiai Rengōkai, or JCCU) is a national federation of consumer cooperatives that represents and serves consumer cooperative societies all throughout Japan. Its main operation is to supply food and other daily necessities to its members through store operations and home delivery services. Currently, its mission statement, “Ideals of the 21st Century,” is to create a more humane and sustainable society through the efforts of the cooperative members in the form of business operations and through their involvement with the community

Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union

The Japanese Consumers’ Cooperative Union (日本生活協同組合連合会 Nihon Seikatsu Kyōdō Kumiai Rengōkai, or JCCU) is a national federation of consumer cooperatives that represents and serves consumer cooperative societies all throughout Japan. Its main operation is to supply food and other daily necessities to its members through store operations and home delivery services. Currently, its mission statement, “Ideals of the 21st Century,” is to create a more humane and sustainable society through the efforts of the cooperative members in the form of business operations and through their involvement with the community