Japanese general election, 2014

The 47th general election of members of the House of Representatives (第47回衆議院議員総選挙 dai-yonjūnanakai Shūgiin giin sōsenkyo) of Japan was held on 14 December 2014. Voting took place in all Representatives constituencies of Japan including proportional blocks, in order to appoint Members of Diet to seats in the House of Representatives, the lower house of the National Diet of Japan. As the cabinet resigns in the first post-election Diet session after a general House of Representatives election (Constitution, Article 70), the lower house election also led to a new designation election of the prime minister in the Diet (Shinzo Abe was reappointed), and the appointment of a new cabinet (with some ministers re-appointed).

Japanese general election, 2014

The 47th general election of members of the House of Representatives (第47回衆議院議員総選挙 dai-yonjūnanakai Shūgiin giin sōsenkyo) of Japan was held on 14 December 2014. Voting took place in all Representatives constituencies of Japan including proportional blocks, in order to appoint Members of Diet to seats in the House of Representatives, the lower house of the National Diet of Japan. As the cabinet resigns in the first post-election Diet session after a general House of Representatives election (Constitution, Article 70), the lower house election also led to a new designation election of the prime minister in the Diet (Shinzo Abe was reappointed), and the appointment of a new cabinet (with some ministers re-appointed).