Jatheon Technologies

Jatheon Technologies, Inc. is a privately held company founded in 2004 providing e-mail and information archiving network appliances. The company is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The company was the first in the industry to introduce an email archiving appliance that operated primarily through packet sniffing technology to capture messaging traffic off of a company's network in a non-intrusive manner. On June 17, 2009, the company acquired the ongoing operations and support of NorthSeas AMT customers.

Jatheon Technologies

Jatheon Technologies, Inc. is a privately held company founded in 2004 providing e-mail and information archiving network appliances. The company is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The company was the first in the industry to introduce an email archiving appliance that operated primarily through packet sniffing technology to capture messaging traffic off of a company's network in a non-intrusive manner. On June 17, 2009, the company acquired the ongoing operations and support of NorthSeas AMT customers.