Jimmy Cooper (The O.C.)

James "Jimmy" Cooper is a fictional character on the FOX television series The O.C., portrayed by Tate Donovan. He is often described as extremely unreliable, immature and cowardly, due to his actions. (e.g. stealing his client's money, borrowing money from dangerous men and failing to pay them back). However, he's also shown to be a loving father and was far closer to his daughter, Marissa, than her mother was. He was known to be talk of the town with his good looks and was Sandy Cohen's rival for his wife Kirsten Cohen.

Jimmy Cooper (The O.C.)

James "Jimmy" Cooper is a fictional character on the FOX television series The O.C., portrayed by Tate Donovan. He is often described as extremely unreliable, immature and cowardly, due to his actions. (e.g. stealing his client's money, borrowing money from dangerous men and failing to pay them back). However, he's also shown to be a loving father and was far closer to his daughter, Marissa, than her mother was. He was known to be talk of the town with his good looks and was Sandy Cohen's rival for his wife Kirsten Cohen.