John Cady House

The John Cady House, also known historically as the Babcock Tavern, is a historic house at 484 Mile Hill Road in Tolland, Connecticut. It is a  2 1⁄2-story wood-frame structure, five bays wide, with a large central chimney. Its main entrance is centered on the front facade, and is decorated by a c. 1830 pilaster-and-lintel frame. Although its exterior is uniform, the building is structurally composed of two separate buildings which were butted together. The southern section appears to date to c. 1720, while the northern section dates to c. 1770. The house, whose history is complicated by a confusing and ambiguous documentary record, is an exhibit of the adaptive alteration of houses in the 18th century.

John Cady House

The John Cady House, also known historically as the Babcock Tavern, is a historic house at 484 Mile Hill Road in Tolland, Connecticut. It is a  2 1⁄2-story wood-frame structure, five bays wide, with a large central chimney. Its main entrance is centered on the front facade, and is decorated by a c. 1830 pilaster-and-lintel frame. Although its exterior is uniform, the building is structurally composed of two separate buildings which were butted together. The southern section appears to date to c. 1720, while the northern section dates to c. 1770. The house, whose history is complicated by a confusing and ambiguous documentary record, is an exhibit of the adaptive alteration of houses in the 18th century.