John Hay Library

The John Hay Library is the second oldest library on the campus of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Located on Prospect Street, opposite the Van Wickle Gates, it replaced the outgrown former library, now known as Robinson Hall, as the main library on the campus. Today, the John Hay Library is one of five individual libraries that make up the University Library. The Hay houses the University Library's rare books and manuscripts, the University Archives, and the Library's special collections.

John Hay Library

The John Hay Library is the second oldest library on the campus of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Located on Prospect Street, opposite the Van Wickle Gates, it replaced the outgrown former library, now known as Robinson Hall, as the main library on the campus. Today, the John Hay Library is one of five individual libraries that make up the University Library. The Hay houses the University Library's rare books and manuscripts, the University Archives, and the Library's special collections.