Kali Mutsa

Kali Mutsa is the name of a singer and band from Santiago, Chile. The members consist of French-Chilean actress Celine Reymond and Chilean producer/keyboardist Cristobal Montes who perform respectively under the Kali Mutsa and Sandoje Catiri alter-egos. Their music is an original mix of Andean, gypsy, Bhangra (Bollywood) and electronic sounds, along with lyrics in romani (gipsy) and Spanish.

Kali Mutsa

Kali Mutsa is the name of a singer and band from Santiago, Chile. The members consist of French-Chilean actress Celine Reymond and Chilean producer/keyboardist Cristobal Montes who perform respectively under the Kali Mutsa and Sandoje Catiri alter-egos. Their music is an original mix of Andean, gypsy, Bhangra (Bollywood) and electronic sounds, along with lyrics in romani (gipsy) and Spanish.