
Kallavere is a village in Jõelähtme Parish, Harju County in northern Estonia. It's located about 17 km (11 mi) northeast of Tallinn, just east of Kallavere, the main part the town of Maardu. Kallavere village has a population of 142 (as of 1 January 2010). The village is entirely located on the Rebala Heritage Reserve. Kallavere was first mentioned in the Danish Census Book in 1241. But it's also possible that Kallavere was already mentioned in 1154 by al-Idrisi as Qlwry. On 19 April 2010 part of the northern part of the village was detached to establish a new official village Saviranna.


Kallavere is a village in Jõelähtme Parish, Harju County in northern Estonia. It's located about 17 km (11 mi) northeast of Tallinn, just east of Kallavere, the main part the town of Maardu. Kallavere village has a population of 142 (as of 1 January 2010). The village is entirely located on the Rebala Heritage Reserve. Kallavere was first mentioned in the Danish Census Book in 1241. But it's also possible that Kallavere was already mentioned in 1154 by al-Idrisi as Qlwry. On 19 April 2010 part of the northern part of the village was detached to establish a new official village Saviranna.