Kames, Argyll

Kames (Scottish Gaelic: Camas nam Muclach) is a small village in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Kames is connected to Tighnabruaich and has a post office, church, police station and hotel. The grocery store, Duncan's Village Store won the Scottish Food and Drink Neighbourhood Store of the year, 2010. Located directly on the foreshore is the Kames Hotel.

Kames, Argyll

Kames (Scottish Gaelic: Camas nam Muclach) is a small village in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Kames is connected to Tighnabruaich and has a post office, church, police station and hotel. The grocery store, Duncan's Village Store won the Scottish Food and Drink Neighbourhood Store of the year, 2010. Located directly on the foreshore is the Kames Hotel.