Karol Gwóźdź

Karol Gwóźdź (born 2 April 1987 in Katowice) is a Silesian poet, musician, DJ, composer and producer of ambient and electronic music, also known as Nail (gwóźdź is Polish for nail). In 2012, he released a record on Psychonavigation Records label. The author is connected with his home region of Upper Silesia.

Karol Gwóźdź

Karol Gwóźdź (born 2 April 1987 in Katowice) is a Silesian poet, musician, DJ, composer and producer of ambient and electronic music, also known as Nail (gwóźdź is Polish for nail). In 2012, he released a record on Psychonavigation Records label. The author is connected with his home region of Upper Silesia.