Kavanagh v. Canada (Attorney General)

Synthia Kavanagh is a transgender inmate serving time for 2nd degree murder in Canada, who filed a human rights complaint on the basis of three claimed discriminatory actions. It was argued that Kavanagh’s incarceration in a male prison, her deprival of the hormone therapies that she had previously been taking, and the lack of surgical sex-reassignment options that were available to her all constituted violations of section 5 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Ultimately the Canadian Human Rights Commission ruled that incarcerating Kavanagh in a male prison, and barring her from seeking SRS violated her fundamental rights and freedoms.

Kavanagh v. Canada (Attorney General)

Synthia Kavanagh is a transgender inmate serving time for 2nd degree murder in Canada, who filed a human rights complaint on the basis of three claimed discriminatory actions. It was argued that Kavanagh’s incarceration in a male prison, her deprival of the hormone therapies that she had previously been taking, and the lack of surgical sex-reassignment options that were available to her all constituted violations of section 5 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Ultimately the Canadian Human Rights Commission ruled that incarcerating Kavanagh in a male prison, and barring her from seeking SRS violated her fundamental rights and freedoms.