
Keatite was discovered in 1954 and named for Paul P. Keat who discovered it while studying the role of soda in the crystallization of amorphous silica. His results were reported in Science 120 (27 Aug1954) pp 328-330 with the title "A new crystalline silica." A few Quotes: "The gage - pressure and temperature ranges within which the new silica was synthesized were 5,000 to 18,000 lb/in2 and 380o to 585oC." . . . "The concentration of base (added) is fairly critical, because too small an amount will form crystobalite and too large an amount, the formation of quartz."


Keatite was discovered in 1954 and named for Paul P. Keat who discovered it while studying the role of soda in the crystallization of amorphous silica. His results were reported in Science 120 (27 Aug1954) pp 328-330 with the title "A new crystalline silica." A few Quotes: "The gage - pressure and temperature ranges within which the new silica was synthesized were 5,000 to 18,000 lb/in2 and 380o to 585oC." . . . "The concentration of base (added) is fairly critical, because too small an amount will form crystobalite and too large an amount, the formation of quartz."