Khangmar Monastery

Khangmar Monastery or Kangma Monastery is a Gelugpa establishment to the southeast of Kandze Town (Ch. Garze), capital Kandze County in Sichuan province, China. There are several other monasteries along the Yalong River including the Gelugpa Drakar, Nyatso, and Tsitso monasteries as well as the Sakya Dontok and the Kagyu Rirak Gonpas. There were 350 monks at Khangar Monastery in 1953 when Geshe Tashi Tsering (Chenrezig Institute) left to study at the Sera Monastery in Lhasa. He later fled to India and has been the resident teacher at the Chenrezig Institute in Queensland since 1990.

Khangmar Monastery

Khangmar Monastery or Kangma Monastery is a Gelugpa establishment to the southeast of Kandze Town (Ch. Garze), capital Kandze County in Sichuan province, China. There are several other monasteries along the Yalong River including the Gelugpa Drakar, Nyatso, and Tsitso monasteries as well as the Sakya Dontok and the Kagyu Rirak Gonpas. There were 350 monks at Khangar Monastery in 1953 when Geshe Tashi Tsering (Chenrezig Institute) left to study at the Sera Monastery in Lhasa. He later fled to India and has been the resident teacher at the Chenrezig Institute in Queensland since 1990.