Kickapoo Cavern State Park

Kickapoo Caverns was opened as a state park in 1991. The park is located 22 miles north of Brackettville, Texas, straddling the Kinney and Edwards county line. Interesting features of the park include 20 known caves, two of which are large enough to be significant. Kickapoo Cavern is approximately .25 mile in length (1400 feet). It contains 14 miles of mountain biking trails, and 18 miles of undesignated hiking and birding trails.

Kickapoo Cavern State Park

Kickapoo Caverns was opened as a state park in 1991. The park is located 22 miles north of Brackettville, Texas, straddling the Kinney and Edwards county line. Interesting features of the park include 20 known caves, two of which are large enough to be significant. Kickapoo Cavern is approximately .25 mile in length (1400 feet). It contains 14 miles of mountain biking trails, and 18 miles of undesignated hiking and birding trails.