
The portmanteau coinages kidult, rejuvenile, adultescent refer to adults with interests traditionally seen as suitable for children. It can also have other meanings, such as a parent who enjoys being a parent due to spending quality time with their children, but is reluctant to lay down the law or handle the more serious aspects of parenthood. An example is Robin Williams' character in Mrs. Doubtfire, a father who has fun with his children but is a poor disciplinarian and is seen by his wife as an irresponsible head of the household.


The portmanteau coinages kidult, rejuvenile, adultescent refer to adults with interests traditionally seen as suitable for children. It can also have other meanings, such as a parent who enjoys being a parent due to spending quality time with their children, but is reluctant to lay down the law or handle the more serious aspects of parenthood. An example is Robin Williams' character in Mrs. Doubtfire, a father who has fun with his children but is a poor disciplinarian and is seen by his wife as an irresponsible head of the household.