King of Peace Episcopal Church (Kingsland, Georgia)

King of Peace Episcopal Church is an Episcopal church located at 6230 Laurel Island Parkway, Kingsland, Georgia. It is a parish of the Diocese of Georgia created in 2000. The church first met in a house on its present site and built a church building in 2004, giving away the house to be a home once more. The church has a 43,000-marble tile labyrinth in the floor of its sanctuary.

King of Peace Episcopal Church (Kingsland, Georgia)

King of Peace Episcopal Church is an Episcopal church located at 6230 Laurel Island Parkway, Kingsland, Georgia. It is a parish of the Diocese of Georgia created in 2000. The church first met in a house on its present site and built a church building in 2004, giving away the house to be a home once more. The church has a 43,000-marble tile labyrinth in the floor of its sanctuary.