Kirillov model

In mathematics, the Kirillov model, studied by Kirillov (), is a realization of a representation of GL2 over a local field on a space of functions on the local field. If G is the algebraic group GL2 and F is a non-Archimedean local field,and τ is a fixed nontrivial character of the additive group of Fand π is an irreducible representation of G(F), then the Kirillov model for π is a representation π on a space of locally constant functions f on F* with compact support in F such that Wξ(g) = π(g)ξ(1) where π(g) is the image of g in the Kirillov model.

Kirillov model

In mathematics, the Kirillov model, studied by Kirillov (), is a realization of a representation of GL2 over a local field on a space of functions on the local field. If G is the algebraic group GL2 and F is a non-Archimedean local field,and τ is a fixed nontrivial character of the additive group of Fand π is an irreducible representation of G(F), then the Kirillov model for π is a representation π on a space of locally constant functions f on F* with compact support in F such that Wξ(g) = π(g)ξ(1) where π(g) is the image of g in the Kirillov model.