Kite Liberator

Taking place ten years after the events of the original "Kite" film, this second installment opens with Kōichi Doi, a researcher for Defy Foods, returning to a space station. Doi had been researching methods of preserving bone mass in zero gravity through diet. After Orudo Noguchi and another crew member are later found to have space radiation exposure and ordered to discontinue missions, Noguchi asks Doi to deliver a package to his daughter Monaka for her birthday. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, two police officers pursue a violent criminal named Tsuin through the streets and into a train station. After shooting two bystanders in the women's restroom, he takes a young girl hostage and hides in a stall with her. However, the lights go out in the restroom and the pedophile is attacked by the assassin

Kite Liberator

Taking place ten years after the events of the original "Kite" film, this second installment opens with Kōichi Doi, a researcher for Defy Foods, returning to a space station. Doi had been researching methods of preserving bone mass in zero gravity through diet. After Orudo Noguchi and another crew member are later found to have space radiation exposure and ordered to discontinue missions, Noguchi asks Doi to deliver a package to his daughter Monaka for her birthday. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, two police officers pursue a violent criminal named Tsuin through the streets and into a train station. After shooting two bystanders in the women's restroom, he takes a young girl hostage and hides in a stall with her. However, the lights go out in the restroom and the pedophile is attacked by the assassin