Knesses Chizkiyahu

Knesses Chizkiyahu was one of the first Lithuanian yeshivas founded after the establishment of the State of Israel and one of the first Torah institutions in the northern part of the country. Originally founded in Zikhron Ya'akov in 1949, it relocated to Kfar Hasidim, adjacent to Rekhasim, in 1955, where it operates today with nearly 200 students and a kolel.

Knesses Chizkiyahu

Knesses Chizkiyahu was one of the first Lithuanian yeshivas founded after the establishment of the State of Israel and one of the first Torah institutions in the northern part of the country. Originally founded in Zikhron Ya'akov in 1949, it relocated to Kfar Hasidim, adjacent to Rekhasim, in 1955, where it operates today with nearly 200 students and a kolel.