
Koinup is an image and video hosting service, web portal and online community for virtual world users. It is used both as a photo and video repository platform and as a tool to share virtual world screenshots, photographs and machinima. As of November 2008, it claims to host more than 100,000 items uploaded by its members and reaches about 100,000 visitors monthly. Centered on the concept of “Share your Virtual Life", Koinup offers a social networking platform for all virtual world inhabitants.


Koinup is an image and video hosting service, web portal and online community for virtual world users. It is used both as a photo and video repository platform and as a tool to share virtual world screenshots, photographs and machinima. As of November 2008, it claims to host more than 100,000 items uploaded by its members and reaches about 100,000 visitors monthly. Centered on the concept of “Share your Virtual Life", Koinup offers a social networking platform for all virtual world inhabitants.