Kosmos 111

Kosmos 111 (Russian: Космос 111 meaning Cosmos 111) (E-6S series) was the first Soviet attempt to orbit a spacecraft around the Moon. The design was probably similar to the later successful Luna 10 spacecraft. It was launched on March 1, 1966. The mission was a failure. The Blok-L upper stage lost roll control and failed to send the spacecraft on a lunar trajectory. It re-entered the Earth's atmosphere two days later. The craft weighed 14,240lbs and was not immediately acknowledged to be a Luna-series vehicle after its destruction.

Kosmos 111

Kosmos 111 (Russian: Космос 111 meaning Cosmos 111) (E-6S series) was the first Soviet attempt to orbit a spacecraft around the Moon. The design was probably similar to the later successful Luna 10 spacecraft. It was launched on March 1, 1966. The mission was a failure. The Blok-L upper stage lost roll control and failed to send the spacecraft on a lunar trajectory. It re-entered the Earth's atmosphere two days later. The craft weighed 14,240lbs and was not immediately acknowledged to be a Luna-series vehicle after its destruction.