
Kumdang-2 is an alleged cure for AIDS, Ebola, MERS and tuberculosis created in North Korea. The name means "golden sugar" in Korean. It is manufactured by the Pugang Pharmaceutical Company. According to the Korean Central News Agency, the drug's ingredients include ginseng, small amounts of rare earth metals and trace amounts of gold and platinum. According to the KCNA, it can also cure cancer, morning sickness, and harm from computer use.


Kumdang-2 is an alleged cure for AIDS, Ebola, MERS and tuberculosis created in North Korea. The name means "golden sugar" in Korean. It is manufactured by the Pugang Pharmaceutical Company. According to the Korean Central News Agency, the drug's ingredients include ginseng, small amounts of rare earth metals and trace amounts of gold and platinum. According to the KCNA, it can also cure cancer, morning sickness, and harm from computer use.