
Kuroneko (藪の中の黒猫 Yabu no Naka no Kuroneko, "A Black Cat in a Bamboo Grove") is a 1968 black-and-white Japanese horror film, directed by Kaneto Shindo, and an adaptation of a supernatural folktale. Set during a civil war in Japan's Heian period, the spirits of a woman and her daughter-in-law seek revenge after losing their lives to a brutal incident.


Kuroneko (藪の中の黒猫 Yabu no Naka no Kuroneko, "A Black Cat in a Bamboo Grove") is a 1968 black-and-white Japanese horror film, directed by Kaneto Shindo, and an adaptation of a supernatural folktale. Set during a civil war in Japan's Heian period, the spirits of a woman and her daughter-in-law seek revenge after losing their lives to a brutal incident.