
The Kwijau or Kuijau are an indigenous ethnic group residing in Sabah, eastern Malaysia on the island of Borneo. They reside in the Interior Division within a 12-mile radius to the west and north of Keningau town. Their population was estimated at 7,910 in the year 2000. They are considered a sub-group of the Kadazan-Dusun, as their language is on the Dusunic branch of the Austronesian language family (ISO 639-3 dkr). About 20% of the population has been converted to evangelical Christianity, the remainder are animist. They are known for performing the Magunatip, an east Malaysian dance very strongly influenced by the Philippine tinikling .Performed by the young men and women, the dance involves jumping steps that manoeuvre the dancer's feet in and out, so as not to get their feet trapped


The Kwijau or Kuijau are an indigenous ethnic group residing in Sabah, eastern Malaysia on the island of Borneo. They reside in the Interior Division within a 12-mile radius to the west and north of Keningau town. Their population was estimated at 7,910 in the year 2000. They are considered a sub-group of the Kadazan-Dusun, as their language is on the Dusunic branch of the Austronesian language family (ISO 639-3 dkr). About 20% of the population has been converted to evangelical Christianity, the remainder are animist. They are known for performing the Magunatip, an east Malaysian dance very strongly influenced by the Philippine tinikling .Performed by the young men and women, the dance involves jumping steps that manoeuvre the dancer's feet in and out, so as not to get their feet trapped