La Ilustración Filipina

La Ilustración Filipina was a Spanish language newspaper published in Manila, Philippines, that ran during the last decade of the Spanish colonial era, and at times during the Philippine Revolution and the beginning of the 20th century under U.S. rule. It was an illustrated weekly newspaper that covered a wide array of social related topics both local and international. Many personalities at the time, both Spanish and Filipinos, contributed articles and pictures, although the newspaper also published anonymous articles that in some cases raised a great deal of controversy.

La Ilustración Filipina

La Ilustración Filipina was a Spanish language newspaper published in Manila, Philippines, that ran during the last decade of the Spanish colonial era, and at times during the Philippine Revolution and the beginning of the 20th century under U.S. rule. It was an illustrated weekly newspaper that covered a wide array of social related topics both local and international. Many personalities at the time, both Spanish and Filipinos, contributed articles and pictures, although the newspaper also published anonymous articles that in some cases raised a great deal of controversy.