Lake Hajikabul

Hajikabul is the sixth largest lake of Azerbaijan. It is located to the south-west of Baku, near Shirvan city, in Hajigabul Rayon, not far from a railway station. Its total area is 1668 ha, maximal length - 6 km, maximal width - 3 km and depth - 5 m. The lake is supplied by waters of the Kura River, with a special channel. Temperature of water hesitates between 5 °C and 28,5 °C. Pellucidity of water is between 0,06 and 2,5 m. Barbel, carp, sheatfish, pike, zander and grass carp are commercial fishes of the lake. Water plants such as reed mace, reed, bulrush, buttercup and hornwort are met in the lake.

Lake Hajikabul

Hajikabul is the sixth largest lake of Azerbaijan. It is located to the south-west of Baku, near Shirvan city, in Hajigabul Rayon, not far from a railway station. Its total area is 1668 ha, maximal length - 6 km, maximal width - 3 km and depth - 5 m. The lake is supplied by waters of the Kura River, with a special channel. Temperature of water hesitates between 5 °C and 28,5 °C. Pellucidity of water is between 0,06 and 2,5 m. Barbel, carp, sheatfish, pike, zander and grass carp are commercial fishes of the lake. Water plants such as reed mace, reed, bulrush, buttercup and hornwort are met in the lake.