Lake Tengiz

Tengiz Lake (Kazakh: Теңіз көлі; Russian: Тенгиз) is a saline lake in north-central part of Kazakhstan. Lake Tengiz is an important wetland site for birds. It is a part of a Ramsar wetland site of international importance, "Tengiz-Korgalzhyn Lake System". 318 species of birds have been recorded at Lake Tengiz, 22 of which are endangered. The lake is part of the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve, for which it was nominated in 2008 together with the Naurzum Nature Reserve as the first natural UNESCO World Heritage site in Kazakhstan (Saryarka — Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan).

Lake Tengiz

Tengiz Lake (Kazakh: Теңіз көлі; Russian: Тенгиз) is a saline lake in north-central part of Kazakhstan. Lake Tengiz is an important wetland site for birds. It is a part of a Ramsar wetland site of international importance, "Tengiz-Korgalzhyn Lake System". 318 species of birds have been recorded at Lake Tengiz, 22 of which are endangered. The lake is part of the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve, for which it was nominated in 2008 together with the Naurzum Nature Reserve as the first natural UNESCO World Heritage site in Kazakhstan (Saryarka — Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan).