League of Russian Revolutionary Social Democracy Abroad

League of Russian Revolutionary Social-Democracy Abroad was a Russian emigre political organisation, founded by Lenin in October 1901. The Iskra organisation abroad and the Sotsial-Demokrat revolutionary organisation (which included the Emancipation of Labour group) united to form the League. The League's task was to disseminate the ideas of revolutionary Social-Democracy and promote militant revolutionary Social-Democracy. The above paragraph has been copied verbatim from, as permitted by its Creative Commons copyright license. If you edit this page, please remove this notice.

League of Russian Revolutionary Social Democracy Abroad

League of Russian Revolutionary Social-Democracy Abroad was a Russian emigre political organisation, founded by Lenin in October 1901. The Iskra organisation abroad and the Sotsial-Demokrat revolutionary organisation (which included the Emancipation of Labour group) united to form the League. The League's task was to disseminate the ideas of revolutionary Social-Democracy and promote militant revolutionary Social-Democracy. The above paragraph has been copied verbatim from, as permitted by its Creative Commons copyright license. If you edit this page, please remove this notice.