Leg rope

A leg rope or leash is a urethane cord attached to the deck of a surfboard, down near the tail. A leg rope plug enables the leg rope to be attached here using a leg rope string. The other end of the leg rope is secured tightly around the surfer's ankle with a velcro fastening strap covered in neoprene to provide comfort for the user. The purpose of using a leg rope is to keep the surfboard attached to a surfer's ankle at a safe distance. Should the surfer fall whilst riding a wave, the surfboard will not be swept away, thus allowing the surfer to quickly recover his surfboard and return to the take-off zone. The leg rope was invented in the 1970s amidst controversy that it was a dangerous accessory. Initially, a minority of people expressed concern that if a surfer fell whilst riding a wav

Leg rope

A leg rope or leash is a urethane cord attached to the deck of a surfboard, down near the tail. A leg rope plug enables the leg rope to be attached here using a leg rope string. The other end of the leg rope is secured tightly around the surfer's ankle with a velcro fastening strap covered in neoprene to provide comfort for the user. The purpose of using a leg rope is to keep the surfboard attached to a surfer's ankle at a safe distance. Should the surfer fall whilst riding a wave, the surfboard will not be swept away, thus allowing the surfer to quickly recover his surfboard and return to the take-off zone. The leg rope was invented in the 1970s amidst controversy that it was a dangerous accessory. Initially, a minority of people expressed concern that if a surfer fell whilst riding a wav