Legal status of animals in Canada

Animals in the Canadian legal system are considered property. Property rights include the rights of possession, the rights of use, and the enjoyment of property to the exclusion of humans. Jurisdiction over animals is divided between the federal government and the provinces under the Constitution of Canada. The federal government, using its criminal law power, has created offences in the Criminal Code, in relation to animal suffering, defining the limitations and penalties in the event of breaches. The federal Parliament also has jurisdiction over the import of animals. The provinces have jurisdiction over animals as part of their power to regulate property laws.

Legal status of animals in Canada

Animals in the Canadian legal system are considered property. Property rights include the rights of possession, the rights of use, and the enjoyment of property to the exclusion of humans. Jurisdiction over animals is divided between the federal government and the provinces under the Constitution of Canada. The federal government, using its criminal law power, has created offences in the Criminal Code, in relation to animal suffering, defining the limitations and penalties in the event of breaches. The federal Parliament also has jurisdiction over the import of animals. The provinces have jurisdiction over animals as part of their power to regulate property laws.