Lejendary Adventure

Lejendary Adventure (abbreviated as LA) is a role-playing game created by Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, and creator of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Gygax had originally devised Lejendary Adventure as a role-playing video game using a simple and rules-light system based on skill-bundles, but he subsequently decided to develop the game as a printed fantasy RPG. The standard campaign setting is Lejendary Earth or Learth. Learth is described in several books. Lejendary Adventure products are published by both Hekaforge Productions and Troll Lord Games.

Lejendary Adventure

Lejendary Adventure (abbreviated as LA) is a role-playing game created by Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, and creator of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Gygax had originally devised Lejendary Adventure as a role-playing video game using a simple and rules-light system based on skill-bundles, but he subsequently decided to develop the game as a printed fantasy RPG. The standard campaign setting is Lejendary Earth or Learth. Learth is described in several books. Lejendary Adventure products are published by both Hekaforge Productions and Troll Lord Games.