Leo Kalothetos

Leo Kalothetos (Greek: Λέων Καλόθετος, fl. 1315–1363) was a provincial governor of the Byzantine Empire. Kalothetos was a native of Chios, where he is mentioned for the first time in 1315. At the time, the island was a possession of the Genoese Zaccaria family, who held it de jure as a fief from the Byzantine Emperor, but practically as an independent domain. In 1328, Kalothetos fled the island and joined the Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos at Didymoteichon. Together they planned the recovery of Chios by the Byzantines. Aided by a revolt of the local population and the treachery of Benedetto II Zaccaria, brother of the island's ruler Martino Zaccaria, a Byzantine fleet regained the island in 1329. Martino Zaccaria was captured, and Kalothetos was installed as the new governor of the isl

Leo Kalothetos

Leo Kalothetos (Greek: Λέων Καλόθετος, fl. 1315–1363) was a provincial governor of the Byzantine Empire. Kalothetos was a native of Chios, where he is mentioned for the first time in 1315. At the time, the island was a possession of the Genoese Zaccaria family, who held it de jure as a fief from the Byzantine Emperor, but practically as an independent domain. In 1328, Kalothetos fled the island and joined the Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos at Didymoteichon. Together they planned the recovery of Chios by the Byzantines. Aided by a revolt of the local population and the treachery of Benedetto II Zaccaria, brother of the island's ruler Martino Zaccaria, a Byzantine fleet regained the island in 1329. Martino Zaccaria was captured, and Kalothetos was installed as the new governor of the isl