Lilblue Linux

Lilblue Linux is a Linux Distro which is based on Gentoo Linux with the exception that it makes use of the uClibc C library. The distro derives its name from the little penguin of New Zealand which is little, and blue. Lilblue is a fully featured Xfce4 desktop environment for the x86 64 CPU architecture which makes use of hardening as well as other security enhanced features such as stack-smashing protection, PaX and position independent executables (PIE).

Lilblue Linux

Lilblue Linux is a Linux Distro which is based on Gentoo Linux with the exception that it makes use of the uClibc C library. The distro derives its name from the little penguin of New Zealand which is little, and blue. Lilblue is a fully featured Xfce4 desktop environment for the x86 64 CPU architecture which makes use of hardening as well as other security enhanced features such as stack-smashing protection, PaX and position independent executables (PIE).