Little Rock Chapel Falls

Little Rock Chapel Falls is an 8 metre high horsetail ribbon waterfall found on Royal Botanical Gardens controlled property in Flamborough, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Nearby attractions include the Bruce Trail, Rock Chapel Sanctuary, Rock Chapel Golf Course, Borer's Falls, Borer's Falls Conservation Area, Smokey Hollow Resource Management Area, Spencer Gorge/Webster's Falls Conservation Area, Royal Botanical Gardens, Dundurn Castle.

Little Rock Chapel Falls

Little Rock Chapel Falls is an 8 metre high horsetail ribbon waterfall found on Royal Botanical Gardens controlled property in Flamborough, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Nearby attractions include the Bruce Trail, Rock Chapel Sanctuary, Rock Chapel Golf Course, Borer's Falls, Borer's Falls Conservation Area, Smokey Hollow Resource Management Area, Spencer Gorge/Webster's Falls Conservation Area, Royal Botanical Gardens, Dundurn Castle.