
LiveJournal / LJ or Zhivoy Zhurnal (Russian: Живой Журнал)/ZheZhe (Russian: ЖЖ) in Russia, is a social networking service based in San Francisco, California, where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or diary. A wide variety of political pundits also use the service for political commentary, particularly in Russia, where it partners with the online newspaper As with many other social networks, a wide variety of public figures use the network.


LiveJournal / LJ or Zhivoy Zhurnal (Russian: Живой Журнал)/ZheZhe (Russian: ЖЖ) in Russia, is a social networking service based in San Francisco, California, where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or diary. A wide variety of political pundits also use the service for political commentary, particularly in Russia, where it partners with the online newspaper As with many other social networks, a wide variety of public figures use the network.