Live from Death Row

Live from Death Row, published in May 1995, is a collection of memoirs by American former death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence and his sentence was commuted to life in prison after 29 years on death row. Publishers Addison-Wesley gave Abu-Jamal a $30,000 advance for the novel, prompting Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Daniel Faulkner, the Philadelphia Police Officer whom Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering, to hire a plane to fly over the company's headquarters trailing a banner that read "Addison-Wesley Supports a Cop Killer", an invocation of Pennsylvania's Son of Sam law, and promoted a boycott of Addison-Wesley by the Fraternal Order of Police. Abu-Jamal's essays were finally published after National Public Radio backed out of an agreement, du

Live from Death Row

Live from Death Row, published in May 1995, is a collection of memoirs by American former death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence and his sentence was commuted to life in prison after 29 years on death row. Publishers Addison-Wesley gave Abu-Jamal a $30,000 advance for the novel, prompting Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Daniel Faulkner, the Philadelphia Police Officer whom Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering, to hire a plane to fly over the company's headquarters trailing a banner that read "Addison-Wesley Supports a Cop Killer", an invocation of Pennsylvania's Son of Sam law, and promoted a boycott of Addison-Wesley by the Fraternal Order of Police. Abu-Jamal's essays were finally published after National Public Radio backed out of an agreement, du